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Old Habits Die Hard

2 minutes read  

by Harry
on 25 May, 20222 minutes read

Now I went through countless title ideas for this blog and like most others, I was desperate to make it rhyme or at least alliterate…

There was “Harry talks mental health”, “H’s heart to hearts” and even “Harry on the hob” for all my favourite recipes. But truth be told, none of these quite fit (and they’re pretty awful too).

Bottom line is, for as long as I can remember, I’ve been a jack of all trades and a master of none. I find it next to impossible to stick to something and see it through. So I’m always in and out of gym phases, joining and quitting sports teams, picking up ‘a favourite new hobby’ each week but dropping it just as quickly, and caving from a healthy diet at the first mention of pizza...

Long story short - I’ve always been, consistently inconsistent.

The one and only thing that has stuck around, is my love for juggling jargon - whether I’m writing music, NFL articles or simply texting too much. So I thought why not slap some words on a page, share this struggle of sticking with things and see if we can help each other through those days we feel like calling it quits?

To kick things off, I’ll be doing all I can to maintain the following three things - sharing my experiences, insights and even a few recipes along the way:

  1. Go to the gym at least 3 times a week
  2. Train legs at least once a week (cliché I know)
  3. Limit myself to 3 takeaways a month (otherwise Dominos could be the death of me)

You can join me on these ventures or simply spectate - maybe it'll inspire you to keep going with your own journey? I'm just hoping that sharing my progress (or lack thereof) will inspire us all to stop throwing in the towel, reach the moving targets we set ourselves and if we do fall short, have compassion for one another, get back up and go again.

I’ll also be chucking in a few challenges here and there, from daily press up goals to simple breaks from social media.

So, stay tuned and catch me two weeks from now, where I’ll either be admitting defeat or telling you all about my new deadlift PB.

Here’s to staying consistent, for once...